From a fuse to a full re-build, our experienced service engineers can cater to any needs. With vast experience in the Agricultural, Forestry and Construction sectors we can cover a large range of equipment. We have LOLER cetified technicians who can inspect your equipment for safe lifting operations and carry out any required repairs.
We have a well equipped workshop which allows us to carry out all of our own engineering in-house. We adapt our own machines to a high standard to allow them to cope with the arduous conditions of forestry work. We can also cater for any customer needs, from a burst pipe to a full machine build, we’re happy to help. All work is carried out in house from steel plate to finished project. Our engineers are experienced in all aspects of mechanical works. Coming from various backgrounds including agricultural engineering, mining, manufacturing and forestry they have a large range of knowledge to cope with most scenarios.
Examples of our work
A Ploeger 4103 we built to add to our fleet.

Bunded diesel bowser at customers required size

Hyundai excavator forestry guarded, 360 cameras fitted and fully checked over with 3 day turnaround.

Low Ground Pressure Timber Haulage
We run a fleet of specialised low ground pressure timber haulage vehicles. The vehicles are mostly agricultural based and are adapted in our own workshop to suit the arduous forestry conditions. Capacities range from 15 to 50 tonnes depending on road condition and distance.

We began building LGP machines in 2006 when Ian Howie realised there was a better way to extract timber than using lorry based machines. He noticed the lorries were leaving two “train track” like ruts in every forest road he seen. This was creating a channel where water can run causing wash out and carrying silt into watercourses which, can end in anything from expensive road repairs to environmental damage. There were also large potholes due to lack of maintenance which was causing untold damage to road going lorries.
Due to most forest roads being of soft structure and only being 3-4m wide he knew it had to be something with large drive tyres and a wide footprint. He built a crane on to a Deutz tractor and a year later ordered a new Terragator 9205 which became the new benchmark in low ground pressure timber extraction.

Our machines have a large number of axles which run in different tracks to spread the load across the full width of the road. These configurations have a far larger footprint than any road going lorry and by using wider tyres which are at a constant low pressure we eliminate the need for tyre inflation systems.
By using these machines and a team of high quality operators, we give many benefits to landowners and timber harvesting companies. Our main focus is protecting the forest road, we believe in quality first before quantity.
Some of the benefits LGP timber haulage can provide are:
- Large savings on road repairs, we aim for there to be no or very little road repairs.
- Keeping road lorries on the road allowing them to utilise their driving time.
- Lower management costs, only one driver on site as opposed to a different lorry every day.
- Purpose built machines, using machines which are heavier built gives safer operating.
- Access to previously inaccessible timber.
- Skeletal/flat trailers can be loaded to maximise payload.
- Operators trained for off road driving.
- Larger payloads to reduce in forest trips.
Allan Glen
Office: 01292 541145
Adam Howie: 07792 804273
Email: adam@howieforestry.co.uk